Friday, February 12, 2010

The snow plough man didn't come...

So trying to get in and out of the driveway is....
more difficult than driving onto the beach
off a 'barge'
Snow is much more slippery,
The rodent footsteps are now not so easy to see,
you sink to your knees just getting into the house,
sort of makes you wonder where it all goes when it melts...
VALENTINE cookies from SK class - not quite Martha Stewart worthy !


Kylie said...

Wow! No wonder school gets cancelled and things like that. i think those cakes look fabulous :)

Did you know that in the US all the school kids give Valentines cards to every single kid in their class and their teacher too???!!! I'm sure you've been told - I recently found out and was amazed... What the?!

So, are you making cards or buying out a stationers?!


Sarah said...

Already done and dusted babe, made all 40 of the bastards.