Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Home from...

London (LFW was fabulous!)
and this place was rather nice too :)
Will ring soon... I've been washing etc most of the day and about to collapse into a jet-lagged sleep :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


So, this is the black wool dress with blue felt flower headband and blue Repetto flats... I'm happy because I can walk in these shoes...
...but I look like a dag, don't I?
Okay, so next option found hidden in wardrobe... black sheer Trelise Cooper dress with slip and heels. I'm not happy because I can't walk in these shoes and those cobble stone pavers at Covent Garden are tricky at the best of times ;)
So, the compromise... Trelise dress with Anna Sui patent black flats! What do you think?

Friday, September 10, 2010

LFW (help!)

Hi Sar :) Okay... first of all, new haircut. It's very short with a sharp curve at the back, floppy fringe not behaving in these shots but you get the idea.
Next up, new top. Found it extremely difficult dressing for work this morning - sharp hair means I needed something softer in the clothes dept than I happen to possess, so... bought a new top from Bettina Liano. Like it? I cannot believe I've bought something so girlie!
Thinking this may be what I wear to LFW - understated but cute? My only other idea was to wear the Sarah Lancet black wool dress (you know the one). If I do wear this top - skirt or pants? And, will I need to wear girlie shoes or can I get away with boots?
Why did I say I'd go to this? Hope you have some brilliant suggestions for me... (please?) :)