Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crafty Day

I still can't get over the snow you're having! I wish I could show you some blue sky but it's rainy cloudy overcast here... high humidity still so it feels like soup, of course! Okay, so no blue sky to show you but a pic of somewhere you know very well! Walked down to Emporium yesterday looking for birthday gifts at Coaldrakes (didn't find) and new dance gear for Bella (did find).
This is what I've been doing the last week. Crocheting hexagons for a blanket and trying out the 'fancy pants' method of joining them together as I go... not always successfully, but I'm learning ;)
Also decided the outdoor chairs need some super groovy home-crocheted flat cushions... work in progress is below. They're a bit wobbly at the moment because the white yarn is a slightly different thread size... I'm hoping they will press flat or that when I make them into cushions I can stretch them flat... or something ;)
I bought the yarn at the same place I had my crochet lessons last year, Tangled Yarns... have you been in there? VERY yummy but an absolute money pit! It just disappears from my pockets every time I visit! ;) I'm going to drop in and see if they have any suggestions for my wobbly cushion (hopefully today if I can get out of the house!)
You can have a peek at Tangled Yarns on their website and their blog.
Walking home up the back lane... it was so leafy and lush... just had to take a pic :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I was wondering where you were, green looks very appealing but humidity IS NOT. Love the fairy idea.
DO NOT want to look at the wool/ craft site as I have long standing problem with not being able to get out of them without spending at least $200 - pathetic.
I equate it (sorry if that's incorrect English) to my OTHER obsession with some kinds of make-up. Eyeshadow - which I wear about twice a year, and eyeliner pencils (same deal). It's sort of some weird colour obsession like a paint shop in another format...just like Derwents.
Can't explain but I'm sure you understand - also lucky that apart from that one store in Ann Street with small selection, that there was no DINOSAUR DESIGNS in vegas - same deal ! all those colour combinations ! Heaven on a stick. SX