Tuesday, June 29, 2010

James Lane... at last!

Hey Sar! Finally, some James Lane photos! Just returned from taking the boys to the corner store for some more bread (wow, don't boys eat a lot of bread!). It is a very overcast and gloomy day I'm afraid and the street was totally dead (school holidays no doubt), so the photos don't look that exciting... but I'm glad to have a promise fulfilled :) Can't wait till you guys visit!
That's Paul Hunt couture on the first floor with Ottilly & Lewis on ground level and next to them is Frock Shop. On the other side there's an arcade where my silversmith classes are, at Fio.
There's a handful of high-street stores in this section - you know, Jules & Roc etc. (Can't remember them really because I never go there! ;)
And then on the end there's Sole Devotion (fabulous shoes like Trippen and Camper etc) and Frances Leon (indie tailored fashion with their workshop upstairs)... and of course you know that grey building on the corner ;)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Looks good - is kevin happy ? any business increase?

How's Barracks doing ?
